by Dion Jackson | Nov 24, 2023 | Past Events’s Charity Fitness Tour, waddled to this Thanksgiving Day event in support of the the good men and women at Hope of the Valley Rescue Mission`s Annual Drumstick Dash 5k & 10k Run/Walk LA ! I was further in the back running slow to...
by Dion Jackson | May 10, 2017 | Beverly Hills: Walk with the Mayor, Blog, Events, Inspirations
This Friday 5/12/2017 at 12 noon, will be an epic day for City of Beverly Hills! Join the inspirational Mayor Lili Bosse , the incredible Deepak Chopra and THE #BHHealthyCity community, for the first of its kind, City wide MEDITATION led by Deepak Chopra this Friday...
by Dion Jackson | Oct 21, 2015 | Blog
Sonetimes you just have to follow your own drumbeat! Do what you supposed to do! Do the right thing baby! #beachbody #hollywood #beach #celebrity, #celebritytrainer #trx #letsmove #Hollywoodtrainer #travelfitness #corporatefitness #SMPier, #SMStairs, #hollywood...
by Dion Jackson | Sep 22, 2015 | Events
Wednesday September 23, 2015 6pm-10:30pm DANCERS! Hey all you ZUMBA-SALSA-HIPHOP-AEROBICS Instuctors! Come on out and ROCK the Greek Theater For The Children`s Hospital of LA Wednesday September 23, 2015 6pm-10pm with us!!! Some more details for you: We have DJ Dense,...