by Dion Jackson | Mar 12, 2017 | Blog, Events
MONDAY NIGHT LIVE! Every Monday when in town! We’re tuning up for upcoming LIVE Fitness shows! Join us! KickBoxCardio according to Dion Blast! (Mondays) 5:45pm @lafitness in Hollywood , CA BE MY FREE SWEATY GUEST! — at LA Fitness –...
by Dion Jackson | Mar 11, 2017 | Blog, Events
“Come down Sunday March 19, 2017 and be a part of the EVER growing cheer station at the #Mile13 (HalfWay point!) 7901 W. Sunset Blvd & Fairfax Ave We’ll have positive motivation, advice and a big cheer section.We’ll be there till the last runner...
by Dion Jackson | Mar 11, 2017 | Blog
Loved these Bristol Farms Hollywood guys! They always helped me build my cart with HEALTHY stuff! Build a good relationship with your local grocery store. s
by Dion Jackson | Mar 10, 2017 | Blog, Inspirations
A Wayback Wednesday with The Great Richard Pryor in Las Vegas watching the Mike Tyson Fight! They said he was done. But we started working out, and eventually did a World Standup Tour, and various TV shows. While training Richard, he showed me the world! Great guy!...
by Dion Jackson | Mar 6, 2017 | Blog, Causes, Inspirations
You can’t outrun the fork! Start eating a little healthier today! TODAY, not tomorrow Yo!